[E-book] Mastering SAP BW: A definitive guide of Tables, Tcodes, Reports and Functions to become a BW Master [Simple but Gold]

With more than 16 years experience of SAP Business Warehouse (BW), 4 official SAP certifications, has created the site https://myeasybi.com , the author compiles more than 380 main Tables, Tcodes, Reports and Function Modules in this ebook.

This selection is the result across the years of experience of the author working with SAP Business Intelligence, written in this ebook at simple, objective and direct way to help you to mastering SAP BW system

Getting this ebook you will become a BW Specialist Consultant, making your job easier and productive

The content is list of Tables, Tcodes, Reports and Function Modules organized by subject showing the technical name, description, tips and too a classification of the most important objects, updated until BW 7.5 version, 2022

There are:

  • 121 Tables
  • 160 Tcodes
  • 51 Reports
  • 52 Function Modules

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📖Mastering SAP BW: A definitive guide of Tables, Tcodes, Reports and Functions to become a BW Master – Ebook Preview:

Mastering SAP BW, Amazon Ebook Preview

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Avaliação: 5 de 5.

Keywords: ebook Mastering SAP BW: A definitive guide of Tables, Tcodes, Reports and Functions to become a BW Master; Mainly SAP BW tables; SAP BW Most Used Tables; Main SAP BW tables; SAP BW Most Used functions; SAP BW Most Used reports; sap bw amazon ebook

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